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Horseplayers Impact

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  • #46
    Thanks DeanT, Mayo, MVM. All of that helps considerably.

    While I personally may be a stronger advocate for dealing with the drug issue relatively early in the process - and I don't necessarily believe there needs to be a correlation between handle and the issue we attack for the issue to be worthy of attention - you guys' comments at least provide a framework for the direction you would take. In short, the clarification is most helpful.


    • #47
      My two cents.

      I haven’t read the posts elsewhere, so this is something of a guess, but perhaps what the “negative” poster was referring to was the first thing that came to my mind, namely the much publicized “procott” effort that took place not long ago. My imperfect recollection is that it involved targeting wagers to one or two of the New Mexico tracks, and that the result was a decent percentage increase in handle, although the increase in raw numbers wasn’t sufficient to get the attention of any of the major tracks. My conclusion at the time was that the effort may very well have accomplished the opposite of what was intended.

      That said, I like the idea conceptually, but for the reasons set forth below and reflected in some of the questions, I’d ask that the organizers carefully consider the possibility of coordinating their efforts with the major initiative which is already underway.

      Like dehere, I’m also in the camp of those who believe that one’s chances of success are increased if the goals one hopes to achieve are defined in advance. Hence, based on what I thought was considerable input, as of last September I was of the understanding that the two highest realistic priorities for the majority of players were: (1) eliminating or at least drastically reducing drug cheating; and (2) wagering and pool integrity. Based on that understanding, which was shared by Mike Maloney, those were the two areas we focused on when we made presentations to all of the “major” and a solid majority of the “minor” tracks. For what it’s worth, my perhaps prejudiced take on the scientifically conducted fan research seemed to me to support our thinking.

      The reasons I did not address confiscatory takeout rates, which I personally think should be a top priority of players, were two. The first is that they are not, in most states, something tracks alone can do anything about. The second is that horseplayers as a whole have not, despite what say, demonstrated through their conduct that takeout rates have as much of an impact on their betting patterns as one would think.

      I think that explains why the tracks in Maryland rescinded their rate reduction on pk3s and pk4s, although the failure of the 4% pk4 at Ellis is to me an even more dramatic example. If for no other reason than to put pressure on takeout rates elsewhere, I would have thought that a 4% takeout rate on any bet would have generated an overwhelming response from players, which is what I told Ron before he decided to both reach into his own pocket to subsidize the bet, and undertook the complicated process of getting the necessary approval from regulatory authorities. The unfortunate reality is that the bet was not supported at the windows, and ended up being an overall money loser almost from day one.

      As Mike Mayo points out, racing is regulated on a state by state basis. That, in my estimation, has always been the biggest fundamental obstacle to progress, and to further complicate matters, most tracks seem to operate on a pretty much stand alone basis, no matter their ownership or affiliation. The net result is that if you do achieve your goals at one track or in one state, you’re still left with the daunting task of replicating what you’ve achieved many times over, which makes the chances of achieving anything approaching uniformity very close to zero.

      In my view, the best solution to this fundamental problem is the one which was proposed by Alex Waldrop and which is the linchpin of the NTRA’s Safety and Integrity Alliance, and which has already been agreed to---in writing---by 55 tracks. The basic concept is one which has been in use for many years in the health care industry, which is also regulated on a state by state basis, but which to a large degree has been able to use a self-imposed accreditation model to successfully implement industry-wide standards for hospitals.

      As CDI noted in its press release, the NTRA program is what led to its “Safety from Start to Finish” initiative, which will be implemented at CD, Arlington, Calder, and Fairgrounds. It includes, among many other items, both “supertesting” and the freezing of samples for retroactive testing.

      Moreover, earlier this week the NTRA identified the specific standards which a track has to meet to gain accreditation, and announced that the accreditation process has already started or will soon begin at Keeneland, Pimlico, Belmont, Delaware, and Hollywood. For those here who seem to me to base a lot of their judgments about the NTRA on ancient history which took place long before Waldrop arrived, note that whether or not a track is objectively determined to have met the standards will be determined not by the NTRA, but by an entirely independent monitor, who will publish his findings.

      One of the core assumptions behind the NTRA program is that like players, like health care consumers, will “procott” tracks which have been accredited. Thus, the first thing I would ask the organizers of this effort to consider is only having the weekly race at accredited tracks.

      Given where things currently stand, I also think the organizers should consider, along with any betting action, an announcement or announcements that HANA and other players groups intend to do what they can to convince players to limit their action to accredited tracks.

      I believe that taking these steps offers the best chance of achieving your goals, whether they are already part of the NTRA program or not, since if there’s one overriding conclusion I’ve reached over the years it’s that there’s never going to be meaningful industry wide change until there's a central authority which can actually make things happen.

      The tracks have been told many times that the train is leaving the station, and that there will undoubtedly be consequences for those who are not on board. While the NTRA has already solicited more player input for this program than for any other non-contest program I know of, I nonetheless think it’s time for as many players and player groups as possible to make sure that they too have a seat on the train where I’m convinced that, for the foreseeable future, most of the important decisions which affect them and the industry are going to be made.


      • #48
        Heads UP!!!

        Here is a idea that I like to get a feedback on!
        Why can't we have a Presentation Call on what ever night,Monday or Thursday night with a Ph & Pin#
        This can be done at no cost and we can have the members from HTR-HANA and PACE on the call!
        9:45 PM-EST--8:45 PM-CST--7:45 PM--MST--6:45 PM--PST!
        There is a lot of Racing issuess that we could cover plus HC questions if need be!A person from HANA
        or Ken,Rick,Dan,Donnie can host the call! I'm sure that we would get a lot of Horse Players with our
        members on the call !
        I also think that this will bring the HTR members into 2009 with anything new with HTR an Ken can
        do his magic on a call with us on our computer following his ever word and asking questions!
        I might be sticking my neck way out here but I think everyone has been on a Presentation at one
        time or another and did get something out of the call!
        Phantom [Gus]


        • #49
          When TWO CENTS equals a DIME

          Wow Mall.....That was more than two cents worth if you ask me. I'm glad you got your money's worth out of that post.

          Respectable idea to link the betting initiative to the "accredited tracks".

          I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you working publicity for the NTRA? That was quite a stump!!

          NC Tony


          • #50
            No, although if budgets weren't as tight as they are and it wasn't me, I'd be in favor of hiring at least one additional person to do just that, since I've never been convinced that putting information on a website and sending out emails are effective ways to communicate what you're doing and want to do.

            As an aside, since it applies more to the NHC/Tour, I'm also not convinced that those who use the drf spend much if any time reading the ads, since I can't remember doing so much myself before I had an interest in their content.

            If there is one aspect of the NTRA program which I didn't emphasize much in my long post but which I personally found persuasive, it's that they have set concrete standards, and whether or not those standards have been met is something which will be objectively and transparently measured.

            I'm all ears when a person or organization tells me to judge them by what they actually do, as opposed to what they say they're going to do or intended to do, since that's the approach I'll be taking in any event.


            • #51

              To be completely objective, I have to say I like what I'm seeing coming out of the NTRA over the past few months. Setting performance standards and criteria for race tracks is a great start. The fact that CDI tracks plus Kee and NYRA, (plus a few others mentioned above) are adopting AND complying to those standards is great and about time.

              In my business, meeting ISO and newer EHS and TS versions and standards of ISO is a requirement to do business. You cannot be a supplier to the semiconductor industry unless you conform and comply.This principle is not any different than what is used through out the chemical industry.
              We are independently audited every year for compliance by an outside third party, and this is at our companies expense. WITHOUT THE CERTIFICATION, WE CANNOT BE A SUPPLIER . It Would be a good idea to have a list of those complying tracks and those that will not or simply refuse. I hope other tracks comply, or, we as consumers, will not purchase the un-certified product so to speak.

              Also have to say I like what I see as it relates to the changes made to the tour in 09 vs 08 as well. I really think the new live bankroll contests limited to the tour members is an excellent concept and gives us all a chance to get a bigger bang for our tour buck.

              I try to call them as I see them>
              Last edited by NC Tony; 12 March 2009, 10:16.08 AM.


              • #52
                GROUP HANA RACE.

                Wanted to let everyone know that our first race date for the group bet will be Tuesday, March 31 at Will Rogers Downs. The selected race will be announced late Saturday or early Sunday as soon as the entries are drawn. I will post it here and it will be posted on the HANA website.

                We have selected this track because they currently only handle about 30K per race and we could have an immediate impact with them. After about two or three weeks we will evaluate our progress and move to a different track. They do have 10-12 horse fields in their thoroughbred races. We will select a full field non-maiden race for the first one.

                Most all of the ADWs take WRD, especially on a Tuesday. I wanted to herhaps clear up a misconception about the way the race is to be bet. This is NOT a donation. Each person is to handicap and bet the race just as you would any other race in your normal routine betting. A wagering amount has been discussed and it was decided that a range of somewhere between $25-$75 would be optimal. However no one should feel obligated to bet outside of their comfort zone. A wager of any type and amount will be appreciated.

                For all HTR users, Ken has advised that you will need to download the WRD race files through the website. WRD will not show up in the download area of the HTR program.

                I appreciate everyone's comments and interest in this little project. Hopefully, given a little time, it will grow into something that can help us all as horseplayers.


                Mike Mayo


                • #53

                  Fantastic! $75 to win on....WRD!

                  Bob G
                  Bob G


                  • #54
                    After the WRD race is selected, (and after permission from HDW) Rick will make the file available to everyone here on the bbs with a quick download link, so even non HTR subscribers can take it and run the race through the HTR software.

                    Rick = can you please isolate WRD last 365-days into a separate folder and run a LEARN MORE report from Robot2 on it - and paste it here. Thanks.
                    Last edited by km; 26 March 2009, 03:14.11 PM.


                    • #55
                      May I make a suggestion that the next track selected is a track that is carried in Nevada so that we can all participate.

                      Most of us have never even heard of WRD.



                      • #56
                        This is 1 Mar 08 thru 28 Feb 09
                             Learn More Report                            
                        Factor           Plays Winners   Win W+P ITM    WROI PROI SROI    $AvgM   High  I.V.           03/26/2009
                        Play All         00097  00025    26% 39% 55%    0.94 0.92 0.96    $7.3    $20   2.49      
                        JAN              00000                                                                    
                        FEB              00004  00000    00% 00% 25%    0.00 0.00 0.43            $0    0.00      
                        MAR              00041  00012    29% 46% 59%    1.19 1.03 1.03    $8.1    $20   2.91      
                        APR              00032  00005    16% 34% 53%    0.53 0.99 0.90    $6.8    $11   1.46      
                        MAY              00020  00008    40% 40% 55%    1.27 0.76 1.02    $6.4    $12   3.90      
                        JUN              00000                                                                    
                        JUL              00000                                                                    
                        AUG              00000                                                                    
                        SEP              00000                                                                    
                        OCT              00000                                                                    
                        NOV              00000                                                                    
                        DEC              00000                                                                    
                        2.0-5.0f         00003  00001    33% 33% 67%    0.50 0.37 0.78    $3.0    $3    2.78      
                        5.5f             00038  00006    16% 32% 47%    0.66 0.80 0.81    $8.4    $20   1.55      
                        6.0f             00030  00010    33% 47% 57%    1.26 1.08 1.05    $7.5    $12   3.28      
                        6.5f             00000                                                                    
                        7.0-7.5f         00000                                                                    
                        8.0-8.3f         00022  00006    27% 41% 59%    0.86 0.89 0.98    $6.3    $11   2.55      
                        8.5f             00004  00002    50% 50% 75%    1.98 1.38 1.73    $7.9    $11   4.75      
                        9.0-9.5f         00000                                                                    
                        10.0-14.0f       00000                                                                    
                        Dirt Fast        00082  00024    29% 43% 54%    1.07 1.02 0.94    $7.3    $20   2.83      
                        Turf             00000                                                                    
                        Artf Surf        00000                                                                    
                        Wet Dirt         00015  00001    07% 20% 60%    0.21 0.33 1.08    $6.2    $6    0.64      
                        EPR 85-89        00043  00014    33% 49% 58%    1.44 1.38 1.16    $8.9    $20   3.49      
                        EPR 90-94        00040  00006    15% 30% 55%    0.41 0.55 0.86    $5.4    $8    1.34      
                        EPR 95-99        00013  00005    38% 38% 46%    1.00 0.58 0.68    $5.2    $8    3.20      
                        EPR 100-104      00001  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        EPR 105-109      00000                                                                    
                        EPR 110-115      00000                                                                    
                        VI 15-17         00001  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        VI 18-19         00003  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        VI 20-21         00009  00001    11% 22% 33%    0.32 0.44 0.63    $5.8    $6    1.25      
                        VI 22-23         00004  00000    00% 25% 50%    0.00 0.53 1.00            $0    0.00      
                        VI 24-25         00006  00003    50% 50% 50%    2.35 1.60 1.47    $9.4    $12   5.33      
                        VI 26-27         00014  00004    29% 43% 50%    1.03 0.95 0.96    $7.2    $11   2.88      
                        VI 28-29         00014  00008    57% 64% 79%    2.44 1.44 1.45    $8.5    $20   6.08      
                        VI 30-31         00018  00003    17% 22% 56%    0.46 0.40 0.87    $5.5    $7    1.57      
                        VI 32-33         00009  00002    22% 44% 56%    0.63 1.39 0.82    $5.7    $7    2.10      
                        VI 34-35         00007  00001    14% 43% 57%    0.76 1.19 0.96    $10.6   $11   1.24      
                        VI 36-37         00003  00001    33% 100 100    0.93 2.70 1.67    $5.6    $6    2.33      
                        VI 38-39         00004  00002    50% 50% 75%    0.93 0.55 0.86    $3.7    $4    3.25      
                        VI 40-42         00002  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        VI 43-45         00001  00000    00% 100 100    0.00 1.60 1.05            $0    0.00      
                        VI 46-50         00002  00000    00% 00% 50%    0.00 0.00 0.85            $0    0.00      
                        LAY 2-10         00000                                                                    
                        LAY 11-20        00004  00001    25% 50% 50%    0.98 0.95 0.83    $7.8    $8    2.56      
                        LAY 21-28        00016  00004    25% 31% 44%    0.56 0.53 0.60    $4.5    $6    2.23      
                        LAY 29-65        00023  00006    26% 43% 61%    0.84 1.01 0.98    $6.5    $11   2.36      
                        LAY 66-165       00032  00005    16% 28% 50%    0.54 0.57 0.86    $6.9    $11   1.53      
                        LAY 166-999      00014  00004    29% 43% 57%    1.05 1.48 1.34    $7.4    $12   2.94      
                        Age 2            00000                                                                    
                        Age 3            00022  00009    41% 64% 77%    1.46 1.45 1.31    $7.2    $11   4.31      
                        Age 4            00034  00011    32% 44% 53%    1.26 1.13 0.98    $7.8    $20   3.15      
                        Age 5            00026  00001    04% 08% 42%    0.08 0.10 0.71    $4.4    $4    0.35      
                        Age 6            00007  00002    29% 57% 57%    1.33 1.57 1.20    $9.3    $11   2.69      
                        Age 7            00004  00002    50% 75% 75%    1.15 1.25 1.04    $4.6    $6    4.13      
                        Age 8            00001  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        Age 9            00002  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        Age 10+          00001  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        Fld Sz < 5       00000                                                                    
                        Fld Sz 5         00001  00000    00% 100 100    0.00 1.60 1.05            $0    0.00      
                        Fld Sz 6         00004  00001    25% 25% 75%    0.38 0.28 0.94    $3.0    $3    1.50      
                        Fld Sz 7         00013  00002    15% 31% 54%    0.38 0.71 0.80    $5.0    $6    1.08      
                        Fld Sz 8         00012  00003    25% 50% 67%    0.59 1.12 1.11    $4.7    $6    2.00      
                        Fld Sz 9         00010  00003    30% 40% 60%    0.87 0.70 0.89    $5.8    $7    2.70      
                        Fld Sz 10        00017  00005    29% 41% 47%    1.26 1.32 0.98    $8.6    $12   2.94      
                        Fld Sz 11        00019  00007    37% 47% 63%    1.37 1.09 1.32    $7.4    $12   4.05      
                        Fld Sz 12        00021  00004    19% 29% 38%    1.02 0.64 0.67    $10.7   $20   2.29      
                        K 113-115        00000                                                                    
                        K 110-112        00001  00001    100 100 100    2.00 1.20 1.05    $4.0    $4    9.00      
                        K 108-109        00005  00002    40% 60% 80%    1.00 0.94 1.05    $5.0    $6    3.28      
                        K 106-107        00007  00003    43% 57% 71%    1.17 1.00 0.98    $5.5    $8    3.55      
                        K 104-105        00005  00002    40% 80% 80%    0.88 1.10 1.05    $4.4    $4    3.76      
                        K 102-103        00011  00001    09% 18% 45%    0.28 0.34 0.78    $6.2    $6    0.83      
                        K 101-100        00007  00002    29% 43% 57%    0.56 0.83 0.97    $3.9    $4    2.69      
                        K 097-099        00019  00004    21% 42% 63%    0.91 1.03 1.14    $8.6    $11   2.12      
                        K 094-096        00013  00005    38% 46% 69%    1.44 1.21 1.33    $7.5    $11   3.64      
                        K 092-093        00004  00002    50% 50% 75%    2.45 1.35 1.65    $9.8    $12   4.75      
                        K 090-091        00006  00001    17% 33% 50%    1.02 2.13 1.53    $12.2   $12   1.64      
                        K 088-089        00004  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        K 085-087        00007  00002    29% 29% 29%    1.83 0.70 0.40    $12.8   $20   3.14      
                        K 080-084        00005  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        K 055-079        00003  00000    00% 33% 33%    0.00 0.90 0.60            $0    0.00      
                        FC 90+           00002  00000    00% 00% 50%    0.00 0.00 0.90            $0    0.00      
                        FC 88-89         00001  00000    00% 100 100    0.00 4.70 2.30            $0    0.00      
                        FC 86-87         00014  00005    36% 43% 50%    0.93 0.63 0.75    $5.2    $8    3.06      
                        FC 84-85         00003  00000    00% 00% 33%    0.00 0.00 0.40            $0    0.00      
                        FC 82-83         00008  00002    25% 38% 50%    0.61 0.64 0.60    $4.9    $6    2.34      
                        FC 80-81         00011  00001    09% 18% 73%    0.35 0.35 1.43    $7.8    $8    0.91      
                        FC 76-79         00013  00003    23% 54% 69%    0.63 1.15 1.01    $5.5    $8    2.11      
                        FC <= 75         00025  00006    24% 32% 40%    1.03 0.92 0.82    $8.6    $12   2.39      
                        ML< 2/1          00001  00000    00% 100 100    0.00 1.60 1.05            $0    0.00      
                        ML 2/1           00006  00002    33% 33% 67%    0.70 0.38 0.76    $4.2    $4    2.50      
                        ML 5/2           00012  00006    50% 58% 75%    1.20 0.91 1.10    $4.8    $8    4.88      
                        ML 3/1-7/2       00015  00004    27% 53% 73%    1.04 1.13 1.31    $7.8    $11   2.58      
                        ML 4/1-9/2       00003  00001    33% 67% 67%    1.23 1.37 1.00    $7.4    $7    3.00      
                        ML 5/1           00009  00001    11% 22% 44%    0.23 0.48 0.73    $4.2    $4    1.05      
                        ML 6/1-7/1       00009  00000    00% 11% 33%    0.00 0.30 0.50            $0    0.00      
                        ML 8/1-9/1       00002  00000    00% 50% 50%    0.00 1.05 0.85            $0    0.00      
                        ML 10/1-12/1     00030  00009    30% 33% 47%    1.28 1.06 1.07    $8.5    $12   2.96      
                        ML 15/1          00005  00002    40% 60% 60%    2.56 1.92 1.02    $12.8   $20   4.00      
                        ML 20/1-25/1     00003  00000    00% 33% 33%    0.00 0.90 0.60            $0    0.00      
                        ML 30/1+         00002  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        Odds 0.1-1.4     00014  00008    57% 64% 79%    1.15 0.94 1.09    $4.0    $5    4.78      
                        1.5-3.4          00032  00011    34% 56% 72%    1.14 1.08 1.09    $6.6    $8    3.36      
                        3.5-5.9          00020  00005    25% 35% 60%    1.43 1.17 1.43    $11.4   $12   2.49      
                        6.0-7.9          00003  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        8.0-9.9          00009  00001    11% 22% 33%    1.12 0.77 0.58    $20.2   $20   1.12      
                        10.0-14.9        00011  00000    00% 18% 36%    0.00 1.01 0.86            $0    0.00      
                        15.0-19.9        00003  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        20.0 UP          00005  00000    00% 00% 00%    0.00 0.00 0.00            $0    0.00      
                        Unlisted         00097  00025    26% 39% 55%    0.94 0.92 0.96    $7.3    $20   2.49      
                        Razor Sharp Workout
                         K= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
                        HTR= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
                        RS= F E P S R N
                        QP= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N
                          ALW/STK CLM MSW MCL
                        2yr 3yr 3up/4up
                        Males Females
                        Open State-Breds 
                        Purse<10k Purse 10k+ 
                        Any Vi 
                        Any Surface
                        Any Distance
                        All Tracks


                        • #57
                          WRD 1 Mar 08 - 28 Feb 09
                               Learn All Report                             
                          Factor           Plays Winners   Win W+P ITM    WROI PROI SROI    $AvgM   High  I.V.           03/26/2009
                          Play All         03212  00337    10% 21% 31%    0.56 0.71 0.72    $10.7   $95   1.04      
                          Favorites        00352  00142    40% 61% 72%    1.00 1.04 1.01    $4.9    $9    3.83      
                          Odds < 3/1       00506  00180    36% 56% 70%    0.94 0.98 0.99    $5.3    $8    3.29      
                          Odds 8/1 up      01883  00040    02% 08% 15%    0.35 0.58 0.58    $32.8   $95   0.22      
                          Odds 20/1 up     01035  00008    01% 04% 09%    0.24 0.52 0.50    $63.4   $95   0.08      
                          ALW/STK          00522  00067    13% 26% 39%    0.57 0.63 0.70    $8.9    $28   1.04      
                          CLM              01526  00163    11% 21% 32%    0.58 0.75 0.73    $10.8   $95   1.04      
                          MSW              00517  00048    09% 19% 28%    0.44 0.62 0.64    $9.5    $49   1.01      
                          MCL              00647  00059    09% 18% 27%    0.61 0.75 0.79    $13.4   $71   1.01      
                          2yr              00000                                                                    
                          3yr              00209  00019    09% 18% 27%    0.55 0.79 0.79    $12.2   $57   1.01      
                          3/4up            03003  00318    11% 21% 32%    0.56 0.70 0.72    $10.6   $95   1.04      
                          Males            01907  00198    10% 21% 31%    0.51 0.67 0.72    $9.9    $57   1.04      
                          Females          01305  00139    11% 21% 32%    0.63 0.77 0.72    $11.9   $95   1.04      
                          Open             02327  00248    11% 21% 32%    0.55 0.72 0.72    $10.3   $95   1.04      
                          State Breds      00885  00089    10% 20% 30%    0.60 0.69 0.72    $11.9   $60   1.03      
                          Purse < 10k      01124  00110    10% 20% 29%    0.58 0.75 0.75    $11.8   $95   1.02      
                          Purse 10k+       02088  00227    11% 22% 33%    0.55 0.69 0.70    $10.2   $60   1.04      
                          VI 15-25         01055  00100    09% 19% 28%    0.57 0.79 0.73    $12.1   $95   1.02      
                          VI 26-32         01561  00157    10% 20% 30%    0.55 0.69 0.73    $11.0   $71   1.02      
                          VI 33-37         00403  00051    13% 25% 38%    0.60 0.65 0.72    $9.4    $52   1.04      
                          VI 38-50         00193  00029    15% 30% 45%    0.48 0.54 0.65    $6.4    $26   1.02      
                          Dirt Sprint      01749  00180    10% 21% 31%    0.56 0.69 0.72    $10.9   $95   1.04      
                          Dirt Route       00895  00097    11% 22% 33%    0.52 0.61 0.67    $9.6    $54   1.03      
                          Turf Sprint      00000                                                                    
                          Turf Route       00000                                                                    
                          Wet Sprint       00430  00045    10% 21% 31%    0.67 0.80 0.77    $12.9   $60   1.04      
                          Wet Route        00138  00015    11% 22% 33%    0.50 1.32 0.86    $9.2    $26   1.01      
                          Artf Sprint      00000                                                                    
                          Artf Route       00000                                                                    
                          K=1              00337  00103    31% 51% 65%    0.83 0.94 0.97    $5.5    $16   2.91      
                          K=2              00337  00071    21% 40% 52%    0.83 0.88 0.86    $7.9    $34   2.01      
                          K=3              00337  00052    15% 30% 43%    0.68 0.81 0.79    $8.8    $20   1.47      
                          K=4              00337  00040    12% 22% 37%    0.81 0.66 0.76    $13.6   $39   1.13      
                          K=5              00337  00032    09% 20% 34%    0.70 0.81 0.84    $14.7   $71   0.91      
                          K=6              00333  00018    05% 14% 24%    0.54 0.71 0.73    $20.0   $54   0.52      
                          K=7              00315  00006    02% 09% 17%    0.24 0.53 0.57    $25.5   $41   0.19      
                          K=8              00277  00005    02% 07% 13%    0.31 0.55 0.53    $34.2   $60   0.18      
                          K=9              00602  00010    02% 05% 10%    0.28 0.57 0.54    $33.4   $95   0.18      
                          HTR=1            00356  00108    30% 48% 63%    0.92 0.96 0.97    $6.1    $20   2.89      
                          HTR=2            00350  00051    15% 34% 46%    0.62 0.82 0.87    $8.5    $35   1.40      
                          HTR=3            00328  00058    18% 33% 48%    0.97 0.87 0.95    $11.0   $28   1.68      
                          HTR=4            00352  00047    13% 24% 38%    0.86 0.86 0.86    $12.9   $52   1.28      
                          HTR=5            00331  00034    10% 20% 34%    0.65 0.76 0.80    $12.6   $68   0.98      
                          HTR=6            00322  00014    04% 14% 22%    0.39 0.56 0.61    $17.9   $60   0.41      
                          HTR=7            00324  00007    02% 10% 18%    0.18 0.55 0.55    $16.7   $54   0.21      
                          HTR=8            00266  00009    03% 09% 15%    0.41 0.63 0.54    $24.2   $71   0.34      
                          HTR=9+           00583  00009    02% 05% 10%    0.23 0.49 0.47    $29.3   $95   0.17      
                          RS= F            00133  00022    17% 38% 46%    0.62 1.01 0.82    $7.5    $20   1.57      
                          RS= E            00788  00098    12% 26% 37%    0.63 0.76 0.82    $10.1   $95   1.21      
                          RS= P            00933  00109    12% 21% 31%    0.60 0.65 0.68    $10.3   $52   1.15      
                          RS= S            00904  00084    09% 20% 31%    0.55 0.82 0.78    $11.9   $71   0.92      
                          RS= R            00246  00012    05% 11% 22%    0.37 0.50 0.53    $15.4   $54   0.48      
                          RS= N            00208  00012    06% 10% 15%    0.37 0.33 0.43    $12.8   $23   0.64      
                          QP=0             00342  00030    09% 17% 30%    0.55 0.63 0.67    $12.4   $39   0.86      
                          QP=1,2           00983  00068    07% 16% 26%    0.38 0.71 0.67    $11.1   $71   0.70      
                          QP=3,4           00826  00104    13% 22% 32%    0.79 0.73 0.71    $12.6   $95   1.23      
                          QP=5             00359  00044    12% 24% 36%    0.45 0.63 0.79    $7.4    $35   1.17      
                          QP=6             00273  00044    16% 30% 40%    0.84 0.98 0.88    $10.4   $60   1.55      
                          QP=7             00180  00022    12% 31% 43%    0.39 0.73 0.87    $6.3    $14   1.17      
                          QP=8             00068  00014    21% 47% 60%    0.80 1.12 1.05    $7.8    $15   1.82      
                          QP=N             00181  00011    06% 10% 17%    0.40 0.37 0.48    $13.1   $23   0.68      
                          Fr1=1            00339  00066    19% 34% 45%    0.89 0.96 0.91    $9.1    $60   1.86      
                          Fr1=2            00335  00039    12% 26% 38%    0.56 0.79 0.87    $9.7    $52   1.11      
                          Fr2=1            00339  00046    14% 30% 43%    0.61 0.86 0.85    $9.1    $68   1.29      
                          Fr2=2            00339  00051    15% 29% 45%    0.74 0.96 0.94    $9.9    $71   1.44      
                          Fr3=1            00337  00054    16% 30% 43%    0.80 0.91 0.82    $10.0   $49   1.53      
                          Fr3=2            00338  00048    14% 27% 43%    0.61 0.63 0.77    $8.6    $36   1.35      
                          E/P=1            00340  00066    19% 34% 46%    0.87 0.89 0.92    $9.0    $68   1.85      
                          E/P=2            00336  00053    16% 34% 46%    0.63 1.13 1.04    $8.0    $34   1.50      
                          A/P=1            00337  00095    28% 44% 57%    0.95 1.01 0.94    $6.7    $20   2.69      
                          A/P=2            00337  00064    19% 34% 48%    0.80 0.80 0.84    $8.4    $28   1.81      
                          S/P=1            00337  00090    27% 41% 54%    1.02 0.90 0.90    $7.7    $28   2.55      
                          S/P=2            00337  00055    16% 36% 47%    0.77 1.05 0.86    $9.4    $49   1.56      
                          F/X=1            00337  00085    25% 38% 48%    0.95 0.82 0.80    $7.5    $28   2.40      
                          F/X=2            00337  00060    18% 36% 49%    0.83 0.88 0.87    $9.3    $52   1.70      
                          L/V=1            00337  00066    20% 36% 51%    0.82 0.97 0.90    $8.4    $28   1.87      
                          L/V=2            00337  00058    17% 30% 43%    0.71 0.77 0.74    $8.3    $49   1.64      
                          VEL=1            00349  00097    28% 43% 56%    0.95 0.99 0.93    $6.8    $28   2.65      
                          VEL=2            00350  00066    19% 35% 47%    0.79 0.81 0.83    $8.4    $28   1.81      
                          PAC=1            00374  00076    20% 35% 49%    0.94 0.90 1.02    $9.3    $68   1.94      
                          PAC=2            00355  00057    16% 33% 45%    0.62 1.05 0.94    $7.8    $34   1.53      
                          PER=1            00407  00116    29% 44% 58%    1.01 0.98 0.94    $7.1    $26   2.71      
                          PER=2            00367  00052    14% 30% 44%    0.59 0.73 0.76    $8.4    $28   1.37      
                          FC=1             00344  00075    22% 36% 51%    0.95 0.89 0.90    $8.7    $39   2.08      
                          FC=2             00399  00059    15% 26% 39%    0.81 0.80 0.89    $11.0   $71   1.41      
                          CLASS=1          00336  00072    21% 36% 49%    0.98 0.82 0.89    $9.1    $71   2.04      
                          CLASS=2          00327  00059    18% 33% 51%    0.76 0.85 0.93    $8.4    $41   1.71      
                          TRN=1            00341  00077    23% 39% 51%    0.74 0.79 0.80    $6.5    $18   2.15      
                          TRN=2            00339  00057    17% 32% 45%    0.68 0.75 0.81    $8.0    $35   1.61      
                          JKY=1            00339  00082    24% 42% 55%    0.73 0.86 0.90    $6.0    $15   2.30      
                          JKY=2            00337  00045    13% 34% 49%    0.55 0.96 1.02    $8.3    $26   1.28      
                          PED=1            00341  00048    14% 27% 40%    0.66 0.79 0.84    $9.4    $52   1.34      
                          PED=2            00340  00051    15% 29% 42%    0.68 0.76 0.83    $9.1    $41   1.43      
                          WK=1             00337  00057    17% 28% 40%    0.71 0.69 0.74    $8.4    $54   1.61      
                          WK=2             00337  00061    18% 32% 45%    0.95 1.01 0.95    $10.5   $49   1.73      
                          ESP=1            00337  00069    20% 35% 46%    0.91 0.98 0.95    $8.9    $60   1.95      
                          ESP=2            00337  00046    14% 28% 39%    0.57 0.81 0.86    $8.4    $34   1.30      
                          ATT=1            00351  00056    16% 30% 47%    0.64 0.86 0.92    $8.0    $28   1.51      
                          ATT=2            00368  00062    17% 31% 45%    0.75 0.76 0.80    $8.9    $71   1.61      
                          RES=1            00395  00090    23% 36% 51%    0.87 0.77 0.86    $7.7    $28   2.18      
                          RES=2            00345  00063    18% 34% 47%    0.93 0.89 0.84    $10.2   $49   1.73      
                          TOT=1            00358  00093    26% 42% 58%    0.87 0.93 0.95    $6.7    $20   2.47      
                          TOT=2            00348  00063    18% 34% 48%    0.66 0.80 0.85    $7.3    $25   1.74      
                          $                00280  00016    06% 15% 25%    0.50 0.66 0.64    $17.5   $52   0.58      
                          $$               00373  00038    10% 21% 33%    0.65 0.84 0.88    $12.7   $60   1.00      
                          bo               00046  00005    11% 13% 22%    0.69 0.44 0.44    $12.7   $19   1.15      
                          bx               00023  00002    09% 26% 35%    0.32 0.63 0.60    $7.3    $10   0.91      
                          L1               00195  00015    08% 13% 18%    0.46 0.48 0.49    $12.0   $23   0.84      
                          L2               00190  00016    08% 16% 21%    0.47 0.74 0.54    $11.3   $60   0.89      
                          FTS              00181  00011    06% 10% 17%    0.40 0.37 0.48    $13.1   $23   0.68      
                          2TS              00181  00014    08% 14% 17%    0.46 0.60 0.47    $11.8   $60   0.84      
                          3TS              00172  00019    11% 23% 33%    0.62 0.75 0.88    $11.3   $57   1.17      
                          FT Surface       00152  00010    07% 11% 17%    0.42 0.39 0.51    $12.8   $23   0.74      
                          FTi >50          00041  00002    05% 22% 22%    0.29 0.83 0.62    $11.8   $20   0.49      
                          TRN 400+         00083  00022    27% 51% 60%    0.75 0.99 0.91    $5.6    $13   2.51      
                          Trn Change       00353  00031    09% 20% 29%    0.44 0.73 0.66    $10.0   $24   0.88      
                          T+J 30%+         00148  00032    22% 44% 55%    0.78 1.04 0.97    $7.3    $19   2.10      
                          JKY 350+         00153  00034    22% 45% 61%    0.64 0.92 1.01    $5.8    $15   2.08      
                          Jky Switch       01848  00166    09% 19% 28%    0.57 0.73 0.71    $12.8   $95   0.90      
                          Jky Won w/Hor    00610  00100    16% 31% 44%    0.71 0.79 0.80    $8.7    $52   1.45      
                          Apprntc Jocks    00080  00000    00% 01% 10%    0.00 0.04 0.39            $0    0.00      
                          WK 85+           00149  00029    19% 32% 44%    0.69 0.78 0.84    $7.1    $14   1.83      
                          PED 450+         00294  00050    17% 28% 41%    0.78 0.83 0.83    $9.2    $52   1.63      
                          FC 85+           00325  00079    24% 38% 54%    0.98 0.85 0.89    $8.0    $39   2.28      
                          Fr3>=50.00       01415  00191    13% 25% 37%    0.62 0.69 0.72    $9.2    $52   1.28      
                          Fr3>=53.00       00243  00046    19% 33% 47%    0.91 0.89 0.81    $9.7    $28   1.71      
                          Bad Fr3          01078  00085    08% 18% 28%    0.54 0.79 0.79    $13.7   $95   0.80      
                          Big Loser        00356  00012    03% 06% 11%    0.31 0.58 0.38    $18.3   $60   0.35      
                          Chronic Loser    00210  00011    05% 12% 21%    0.37 0.43 0.57    $14.0   $39   0.55      
                          Bad Trainer      01209  00066    05% 13% 21%    0.43 0.65 0.63    $15.9   $95   0.56      
                          Cold Trainer     00102  00008    08% 17% 28%    0.42 0.44 0.56    $10.8   $25   0.76      
                          Bad Jockey       01123  00051    05% 12% 19%    0.37 0.67 0.58    $16.2   $71   0.46      
                          Bad T+J          00091  00014    15% 25% 36%    1.31 0.99 0.83    $17.1   $60   1.59      
                          Bad PED          00410  00022    05% 12% 19%    0.28 0.73 0.54    $10.4   $28   0.56      
                          Bad Favorite     00041  00009    22% 27% 39%    0.74 0.63 0.66    $6.7    $10   2.19      
                          Front Wraps      00683  00079    12% 23% 34%    0.54 0.82 0.76    $9.4    $52   1.13      
                          Won Last         00347  00055    16% 32% 44%    0.74 0.82 0.77    $9.3    $68   1.39      
                          2nd Last         00317  00072    23% 40% 53%    0.86 0.92 0.89    $7.6    $49   2.19      
                          Beaten Fav       00182  00038    21% 39% 52%    0.67 0.82 0.85    $6.4    $16   1.99      
                          Claim Last       00049  00007    14% 37% 43%    0.62 1.02 0.89    $8.7    $21   1.32      
                          1st Tag          00100  00008    08% 19% 28%    1.02 0.96 0.84    $25.4   $60   0.84      
                          Just Gelded      00023  00002    09% 13% 22%    0.98 0.77 0.57    $22.5   $24   0.95      
                          Big Drop         00094  00012    13% 21% 34%    0.51 0.47 0.61    $8.0    $20   1.28      
                          Cr Dbl Fig Adv   00007  00002    29% 57% 71%    0.51 0.90 0.97    $3.6    $5    2.57      
                          Big Speed        00135  00028    21% 44% 54%    0.74 1.11 0.99    $7.1    $21   1.92      
                          Razor Sharp      00097  00025    26% 39% 55%    0.94 0.92 0.96    $7.3    $20   2.49      
                          Top EPS Life     00338  00095    28% 44% 56%    0.94 0.92 0.93    $6.7    $21   2.68      
                          Top EPS 363D     00338  00090    27% 44% 56%    0.89 0.89 0.90    $6.7    $21   2.54      
                          Bid but Hung     00066  00013    20% 32% 45%    0.95 0.82 0.88    $9.7    $28   1.93      
                          Stretchout       00389  00033    08% 17% 28%    0.37 0.56 0.67    $8.7    $28   0.82      
                          Turn Back        00206  00019    09% 17% 26%    0.64 0.66 0.66    $13.8   $71   0.94      
                          Chaos            00358  00032    09% 18% 27%    0.59 0.85 0.78    $13.2   $60   1.01      
                          Not Chaos        02854  00305    11% 21% 32%    0.56 0.69 0.71    $10.5   $95   1.04      
                          Rule 50          00128  00012    09% 19% 28%    0.42 0.56 0.59    $8.9    $18   1.01      
                          Not Rule 50      03084  00325    11% 21% 32%    0.57 0.72 0.73    $10.8   $95   1.04      
                          Unks in Race     01261  00117    09% 19% 28%    0.48 0.67 0.69    $10.4   $60   1.01      
                          No Unks in Rc    01951  00220    11% 23% 34%    0.61 0.74 0.74    $10.9   $95   1.04      
                          HF/K110+ in Rac  00626  00068    11% 22% 33%    0.47 0.63 0.68    $8.7    $68   1.05      
                          No HF/K110+ in   02586  00269    10% 21% 31%    0.58 0.73 0.73    $11.2   $95   1.04      
                          Bad Fav in Race  00613  00061    10% 20% 30%    0.51 0.70 0.68    $10.2   $54   1.02      
                          No Bad Fav in R  02599  00276    11% 21% 32%    0.57 0.71 0.73    $10.8   $95   1.04      
                          Races w/Spr Trn  01047  00110    11% 21% 32%    0.56 0.75 0.71    $10.7   $68   1.04      
                          NO Supr Trns     02165  00227    10% 21% 31%    0.56 0.69 0.73    $10.7   $95   1.04      
                          Q6 = 0           00770  00079    10% 21% 31%    0.63 0.71 0.73    $12.3   $95   1.04      
                          Q6 = 1           00980  00102    10% 21% 31%    0.56 0.71 0.72    $10.7   $71   1.04      
                          Q6 = 2           00784  00086    11% 22% 33%    0.60 0.76 0.74    $10.9   $60   1.05      
                          Q6 = 3+          00678  00070    10% 21% 31%    0.45 0.66 0.70    $8.7    $35   1.04      
                           K= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
                          HTR= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
                          RS= F E P S R N
                          QP= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N
                            ALW/STK CLM MSW MCL
                          2yr 3yr 3up/4up
                          Males Females
                          Open State-Breds 
                          Purse<10k Purse 10k+ 
                          Any Vi 
                          Any Surface
                          Any Distance
                          All Tracks
                          Last edited by Rick; 26 March 2009, 12:16.03 PM.


                          • #58
                            Sorry we can't bet Will Rodgers Downs. How about Sunland on a Tuesday?


                            • #59
                              I would like to help out, but no WRD in Jersey. The link for the simulcast calendar is below.


                              Looks like we have Portland Meadows and Sunland, but no WRD.

                              Good luck fellas!



                              • #60
                                Target Race Facts and PP's

                                The target race is Race 6.

                                Distance: 1 mile 70 yards
                                Age: 3 Year Old and up
                                Class: Clm 7500n2L
                                Purse: $8,500
                                Field Size: 11
                                Post Time: 5:30 EST
                                Exotics: Exacta/Quinella/Trifecta (.50 Min)/Superfecta (.10 Min)
                                PP Link: Scroll down to the sire More Than Ready/March 31
                                Last edited by Wright Stuff; 29 March 2009, 05:20.37 PM. Reason: Added message title

